Which changes of use will be affected?
The changes of use which will benefit from this new, relaxed
system are known as “permitted developments” and will include:
· allowing agricultural
buildings to become schools or nurseries;
· allowing agricultural
buildings to be used for residential purposes;
· allowing a shop to
become a bank, building society or credit union;
· allowing a shop or
building used for provision of financial or professional support to become used
for residential purposes.
From the list it is
clear that the rules focus on the conversion of agricultural and commercial
buildings into residential dwellings and supporting facilities, no doubt to help
meet the ever increasing demand for housing and boost economic growth in rural
areas. As such, the rules offer farmers and owners of commercial premises the
opportunity to diversify and change the use of buildings which may not at
present be providing much, if any, return.
How does the new system work?
If the change of use is
a permitted development the developer does not need to go through the rigmarole
of obtaining full planning permission from the local planning authority because
it cannot, as a matter of principle, object to the change of use. That said, an
application will still need to be made to the planning authority before any works